
Dream: the first attempt to success in life

Dream: the first attempt to success in life
The time between the start of a night and the end of it, I mean sleeping time, the time of imagine. The time when we all have our own imaginary world. Where we all represents us with a whole new view.

Dream is like such a world where all wishes comes true each and everything that you can think, you can imagine. But that only happens in our dreams not in the reality.

Now, tell me is that all true, I mean anything that you creates in your dream by just thinking is that peaceful. No, dream is the worst pain. Now you may be thinking that how your dream could be a pain.

My answer is you exactly don't know how to dream about anything. Dream is what you have to feel you have to make it not just a imagine, you have to make it real. You have to make it your goal, your aim in life. You have to use your full potential to make it true.

Actually, when you start to realize what you are made for, for what purpose the creator have created you, when you earn your maturity, exactly that's the time when you start to feel your purpose. And when you start to give your best then comes a trouble.

Let me clear it, Everything starts with a little light of hope, when you see the light the knowledgeless you try to know the light, and when you try to reach that suddenly a black dark ocean takes you under the deepest place of it, You became helpless you wouldn't find anything, just alone. But if you try hard you will again meet the little light, and if you keep continue your trying to reach that you will be able to make your own way for that light. And finally when you get to enter the realm you will get a universe made of light, and that universe is only for you....

Now, what are those light, black dark ocean and what the hell is that universe of light. Allow me to tell you that, the little light was the light of hope, the way for your success, your first attempt of your victory. And the black dark ocean was your worst enemy, your fear. When you try to reach anything beyond your limit your hidden enemy shows up. Your fear start to stop you from that. But when you saw the little light whatever you are in fear, the light proves that your try, and when you step into that realm, I mean the universe of light, means you have crossed your limit's beyond your capability, means you tried your best and you are so many steps closer to your victory.

Actually, when you get your success throw your vision into the past you've crossed. You will see such a painful life, A hard life.

But now where you are. At the final stage, at the finishing point...................

Actually, it was all about the introduction, Let’s come to the main point.

Why there should be a dream, is that necessary?

How much a dream means, none can understand until they dig deeper.

A birth of a new life, whatever that is doesn't matters, what matters is it's a new life with a new purpose from the creator. It is a birth of a new journey, Your journey...

Now, when we talk about journey there must be a destination. Where to reach? If we start a journey without destination will mean like searching for one faced coin, A journey without a destination is like a coin without two face.

So, if you start a journey you must have a destination.

I hope I'm clear. For a meaningful life we all need a definite dream, to make my life meaningful, make my journey meaningful, make me worthy for something and that is all. And that's why dream is necessary.

Now, let’s know a little about the negative point,

Sometimes it happens, I mean unfortune or for the sake of situation some can't reach their goal.

But logically, No, there is nothing like fortune. If you get one chance, just make it useful and if you don't get a chance make one by your own. Don’t let it play with you, you have to play it by your own. Cause nobody should let their life be meaningless. You and only you are the rightful owner of your life. You have the ability, you can do anything if you want and try.

The rules of creation,

All of us every single human being on earth has parents, children’s, families. In a word responsibilities. So, being a human we must done our responsibilities properly. And as a responsible person we must have to possess the ability to run our duties probably.

And that is one of the main part of our dream. A dream is not only for our own we success our dream for those people who are my responsibility. So, a person must have a dream.

Now, at the conclusing point, there is nothing to get worried. Actually, you have to set a loyal goal, and keep continue your try. One day you will succeed. But one thing don't spend all your life for your dream, cause nothing is done without a perfect balance......

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