
Paragraph Writing - How to Write a Good Paragraph: A Step-by-Step Guide

A paragraph is a unit of information about topics. Paragraphs usually contain several sentences grouped together around main topics. Learning how to write an organized paragraph will improve your thinking skills. Writing well composed academic paragraphs can be difficult. The following is a guide on how to draft, expand refine, and explain your ideas so that you write clear, well-developed paragraphs.

কীভবে Paragraph লিখবেন?  Paragraph Writing:

Mainly Paragraphs include three elements:
  • The topic sentence, often found at the beginning of the paragraph, tells the reader the main idea, or topic, of the paragraph.
  • The sentences following the topic sentence contain supporting details that develop the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting details may include facts or quotes from your research, personal anecdotes, or other information.
  • At the end of the sentence is a concluding sentence that summarizes the main point of the paragraph.

Step 1: Decide the main idea of Your Paragraph

Before you can begin writing, you need to know what you are writing about. First of all, you have to look at the main idea of your paragraph. As you look at the main idea, note any key terms or phrases because you will need to use those words in your response. After looking at the main idea or paragraph topic and doing some additional reading and research, you should better understand your topic and what you need to discuss.

Paragraph হলো ছোট আকারের একটি অনুচ্ছেদ। ছোট হলেও এর গুরুত্ব অনেক কারন Paragraph-লিখতে পারলেই আপনি ইংরেজিতে যে কোন রচনা বা আর্টিকেল লিখতে পারবেন। Paragraph এমন একটি ক্ষুদ্র অনুচ্ছেদ যার মধ্যে একটি মাত্র main idea । যেহেতু Paragraph আকারে বেশ ছোট তাই অনেক শিক্ষার্থী এর main idea পরিপূর্ণ রূপে প্রকাশ করতে ব্যর্থ হয়। তাই প্রথমেই Paragraph এর main idea decide করতে হবে।

Step 2: Develop a Topic Sentence

Now you have to develop a topic sentence, based on your main idea. Before writing a paragraph, it is very important to think first about the topic and then what you want to say about the topic. Most often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what you want to say about the topic. This concept is sometimes called the controlling idea. Strong paragraphs are typically about one main idea or topic, which is often explicitly stated in a topic sentence.

একটি Paragraph এর main idea যে বাক্যের দ্বারা প্রকাশিত হয় সেটিকে Topic Sentence বলে। প্রতিটি প্যারাগ্রাফের শুরুতে এমন একটি বাক্য লিখতে হবে যেন  সেটি পাঠকের কাছে বিষয়টির প্রধান ধারণাটি  প্রকাশ করে। It is called Topic Sentence.

Step 3: Develop Supporting Sentence

After stating your topic sentence, you need to provide information to prove, illustrate, clarify and exemplify your point.

Ask yourself:
  • What examples can I use to support my topic?
  • What information can I provide to help clarify my views?
  • How can I support my topic with specific information, experiences, or other factual material?
  • What information does the reader need to know in order to see my topic point?
  • Facts, details, reasons, examples • Information from the readings or class discussions 
  • Paraphrases or short quotations 
  • Statistics, polls, percentages, data from research studies
  • Personal experience, stories, anecdotes, examples from your life.

The other sentences in the paragraph are called a supporting sentence, you have to  give more information about the topic logically by answering  question - what? why? and how? পরবর্তী বাক্যগুলো  হলো সহায়ক বাক্য যা টপিক সেনটেন্সের এর main idea  সম্পর্কে অধিক তথ্য প্রদান করে  যুক্তি সহকারে এবং  কী? কেন? এবং কীভাবে  প্রশ্নের উত্তরের মাধ্যমে। They add specific details and explanations. এ বাক্যগুলো প্রধান ধারণাটির সুনির্দিষ্ট ব্যাখ্যা বিশদভাবে আলোচনা করে।

Step 5: Concluding Sentence

After illustrating your point with relevant information, add a concluding sentence. Concluding sentences link one paragraph to the next and provide another device for helping you ensure your paragraph is unified. While not all paragraphs include a concluding sentence, you should always consider whether one is appropriate. Concluding sentences have two crucial roles in paragraph writing:

First, they draw together the information you have presented to elaborate your controlling idea by:
  • Summarizing the point(s) you have made.
  • Repeating words or phrases from the topic sentence.
  • Using linking words that indicate that conclusions are being drawn (e.g., therefore, thus, resulting).
  • Second, they often link the current paragraph to the following paragraph. They may anticipate the topic sentence of the next paragraph by:
  • Introducing a word/phrase or new concept which will then be picked up in the topic sentence of the next paragraph.
  • Using words or phrases that point ahead (e.g., the following, another, other)
প্যারাগ্রাফের শেষের বাক্যটিকে টারমিনেটর বা উপসংহার বলে। বিভিন্ন ভাবে এটি গঠন করা যায় topic sentence এর অবলম্বনে-
A rainy day- ‘...’ Therefore, from a personal point of view, it can be said that a rainy day is more interesting than boring. 
The population of Bangladesh- ‘...’ So, both the public and the government should be up and doing to solve this fatal problem.

Step 6: Look Over and Proofread

The last step in good paragraph writing is proofreading and revision. Before you submit your writing, look over your work at least one more time. Try reading your paragraph out loud to make sure it makes sense.

Paragraph Writing Basics - At a glance

Plan a paragraph based on the following format:

What is the main idea of your paragraph? 

What is the topic sentence of your paragraph, based on your main idea?

What is a supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?

What is another supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?

What is another supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?

Write a concluding sentence using your main idea and supporting details.

Simple Example of Paragraph Writing

Roasting a chicken is very simple. The only ingredients you need for a perfect roasted chicken are the chicken, some salt, and an onion or lemon to stuff in the chicken. Once you have your ingredients, rub salt on the outside of the chicken and let it sit at room temperature for one hour. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. After the chicken has been salted for one hour, stuff it with the onion or lemon and put it in the oven. Roast it for 15 minutes per pound. Once the chicken is done, pull it out of the oven and let it rest for at least 10 minutes. After that, you will have a perfect roasted chicken for you and your family to enjoy.

In this example, “Roasting a chicken is very simple” is the topic sentence. The sentences that follow provide supporting details. The last sentence sums up the point of the paragraph.

25+  paragraph on all kinds of Social Problems (Paragraph Writing)

  1. Environment Pollution
  2. Air pollution 
  3. Terrorism in the campus 
  4. Terrorism Black marketing 
  5. Unadult marriage 
  6. Traffic jam 
  7. Load-shedding 
  8. Hartal day 
  9. Road accident
  10. Drug addiction 
  11. Dangerous of smoking 
  12. Arsenic Pollution 
  13. Conspiracy 
  14. Brain-drain 
  15. Gambling Dacoity 
  16. Anarchy 
  17. Bribery 
  18. Black money 
  19. Child labor 
  20. Deforestation 
  21. Acid throwing 
  22. Superstition 
  23. Corruption 
  24. Political chaos 
  25. Women & child trafficking/torturing 
  26. Toll-extortion 
  27. Population problem 
  28. Conspiracy 
  29. Copying in the examination

[Paragraph Name] is a great and harmful problem. It is not only a common matter for our own country but also for the other countries too. [ Paragraph Name] is destroying our social peace and happiness. Day by day it is going out of our control which is very alarming. Keeping this problem we can not imagine our peace and happy life. Though [Paragraph Name] is very tough to remove this problem totally from the society but we have to try at any cost. Without removing this acute problem people can’t get relief. Everybody wants a good solution to this problem. Besides, govt. should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. [Paragraph Name] is possible to remove by creating public awareness. So we should be more active to get a better solution.

40+ paragraph on all kinds of Good Qualities (Paragraph Writing)

(1) Bravity (2) Value of time (3) Honesty (4) Discipline (5) Perseverance (6) Confidence (7) Politeness (8) Ambition (9) Glorious mind (10) Optimism (11) Hopefulness (12) Talent (13) Self-help (14) Truthfulness (15) Courtesy (16) Friendship (17) Labour (18) Education (19) Patriotism (20) Character (21) Good manner (22) Popularity (23) Dignity (24) Love (25) Integrity (26) Punctuality (27) Kindness (28) Liberty (29) Dutifulness (30) Self-reliance (31) Obedience (32) Faithfulness (33) Modesty (34) Industry (35) Co-operation (36) Personality (37) Intellectuality (38) Humanity (39) Gratitude (40) Moral courage (41) Contenment (42) Common sense (43) Charity (44)Diligence (45) Tolerance (47) Self-criticism (48) Self-reliance (49) Civic-sence (50) Cleanliness

[Paragraph Name] is the most valuable and powerful element of our success in life. It enriches the self-confidence of our running life. If we want to reach to our aim we must attain such quality. It needs to have for mental faculty. [Paragraph Name] can bring out a reward for human beings. It is important to have [Paragraph Name] to retain the existence of human beings. Without [Paragraph Name] no one can achieve greatness and glory. A man can lose his prestigious life for its absence. Most of the greatest persons have gained success through it. [Paragraph Name] is a kind of knowledge, no training can teach that. [Paragraph Name] broadens our outlook. Therefore we must have this quality at any cost.

More Paragraphs:

>> Email or Electronic Mail
>> Digital Bangladesh or ICT based Bangladesh
>> Mobile Phone or Uses and abuses of Mobile Phone
>> Our National Flag
>> First day at your school or A memorable day in your life
>> Early Rising
>> A Good Teacher or An Ideal Teacher
>> The Internet
>> How to learn English well
>> Importance of Heigher Education
>> Importance of Newspaper
>> Bad effect of Eve-Teasing
>> A fisherman
>> A street Hawker
>> A Rickshaw Puller
>> A Good Student
>> A Traffic Police

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