
Addiction: the curse of modern age

Addiction: the curse of modern age

Addiction, means get totally involved into something. Addiction is a kind of disease to me,because when it happens to anyone they become kind of senseless,they use their every-time and everything to that.They totally lost themselves into that.

Now, it doesn't means that a person can only be addicted in bad stuffs.It can be anything.Good or bad. But whatever it is, it is addiction and it happens only that time when somebody starts to do that thing continuously and don't get stopped. He spends his all time in doing that.He always keep thinking about that.His all sense, humors, neurons in a word his brain starts to think only about that work what he is doing and getting involved into it day by day.

Here, I'm going to talk about each and every part of addiction.When it happens,why it happens,bad effect's of it and which age of peoples get involved into this the most.

As much as I know teenagers like us gets addicted the most.Other age of peoples also gets addicted but they are intotal 5%.Remaining 95% are teenager's.

Addiction is a kind of curse for teenagers,cause now a days curiosity is a great pandemic for teenagers. And you would be glad to know that you are right,Yes,curiosity is the one and only thing that causes addiction.

As an example, Suppose you are in class 9. Some of your friends and classmates takes drugs. They smokes and take a lot of drugs like that.After a short time you will get curious about that and day by day it will start to attract you. After a while you will try to taste that, then you will try to know more I mean your attraction about drugs will go deeper. And within a short time you will get involved into this.

Your demand will start to increase day by day.When you start to know that you can't complete your need by your pocket money,you will start to demand more money when your guardians refuse to accept your high demand and start to inquiry about your access demand you start to do misbehave with them.

You start to change day by day. Then you will start to steal money,you will start to steal expensive things from your home.Day by day you will loose your character,your real identity,you will looose yourself from you. 

Just by this way you will get addicted.

Now, we all know that when, why, bad effects and which age of people gets addicted. In a word now we know everything about addiction.But I want to discuss a little more about the bad effects of addiction.

Bad effects: Honestly, if I start to explain all the bad effects of addiction,I think I will not be able to end.But i'll try my best to explain everything in a short.

When somebody gets addicted they turns into pure evil, I mean there behaviour, manner's, style's, personality, personal and social life everything turns wrong.

They get themselves with a totally new identity. They can not recognize them and you cant imagine how it would be felt like to loose yourself until you experience such a bloody thing.

When somebody gets addicted he can't control his mind he becomes totally rick-less, careless. He can't present him in front of anyone. He turns unable to deal with his close ones.He start to dislike everyone. He will start to stay alone.In a word, they gets totally alone,depressed.As a result, most of them commits suicide.

So, addiction is a curse for human being.It doesn't gives a good result.It always results in bad.It keeps us far from our own,it makes us alone.

Hey, it doesn't means that we can't control us,We can we just have to be alert about everything,We have to do our works time by time.We have to be careful about our body mind and soul. 

We have to share our curiosity with our elders.If we stay careful and alert and with a proper guide we can built a bright future we can be work-full, we can make our life meaningful. We can build a perfect future by our own.

Umm, one more thing we can't be selfish,I mean we can't let other lifes be destroyed,we have to stand beside them who are addicted. 

We have to give them mental support, we have to help them to return. Only we, I mean teenagers can remove the curse (Addiction) from our world.

We can make earth a good place.We can establish humanity,we can eradicate crime, we can do everyting if we can control our own and be united to each other.

Guys, always try to remember one thing,

 'Nothing is complete, Without a perfect balance.........'

We have to always keep one thing in our mind,we cant do anything without a proper use of our brain and we also have to be careful about our physical matter.

We must ignore every bad habits we have. I do have some bad habits but I always try to keep it under my control.This is me,my brain and other body parts are only mine.So, I have to control it by my own it cant control me.

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  1. my dream comes true, after knowing that I've successfully done something by my own. Thanks to nurul amin sir for inspiring me
