
Mobile phone or Smart Phone or Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone - Paragraph

Mobile phone or Cellular phone or
Smart Phone or Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone

Write a paragraph on "Mobile phone or Cellular phoneor Smart Phone or Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone". In your paragraph answer the following questions.

  • What is a Mobile Phone?
  • How and where does it work?
  • Who are user of it?
  • How are people benefited for it?
  • What is disadvantages of Mobile Phone?

A mobile phone is a cellular phone also known as wireless phone, cell phone, smart phone which does not need any wire to communicate over long distances. It works through radio framework or system. It can be carried and used anywhere. These days, a wire connection is not needed to converse with others. It is mobile phone through which we can contact with our friends and relatives. Modern form of mobile phone is called "Smart Phone". It has become more popular. It can be used as computers as well as voice calls and video calls. Smart phones support a variety of other facilities, such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, Bluetooth, business applications, video games, and digital photography. The remarkable mobile phone companies are Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Huawei, Symphony, Walton etc. People of all classes and sectors use mobile phone. Its price is not high. For instant communication, mobile phone is matchlessly beneficial to us. Many people are using them for their necessity and many are doing just for fashion. Some people use mobile phones as a fashion. However, it has also some disadvantages. Numerous young students are using it too much. It is a great loss of money of their guardians and a great blow to their future. So, we should utilize mobile phone as indicated by need.

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