
How to Defeat Your Greatest Enemy

How to Defeat Your Greatest Enemy

Most probably you are thinking about a person as your enemy after uttering the article's title. But surprisingly no, human's greatest enemy isn't another person rather their own "Fear” of doing anything. Psychologists divided it into two parts: normal fear and abnormal fear

Normal fear is an emotional biochemical response protecting us from danger like receding to prevent accidents. But apart from this beneficial fear, all others are harmful as well as dreadful for surviving happily in this wonderful globe. 

This fear refrains and holds us back from dreaming, trying, and gaining something worth which we deserve. Almost every one of us at some point in life feels depressed, not good enough, and worthy because of this fear. 

By controlling over subconscious mind, we certainly can change the scenario and win the battle between our fear and us. Through viewing and catching up with the idea of this article and implementing them in real life, you can eventually get rid of anxiety and apprehension. 

By the time you attain that, success will be on its way to embrace you. So, let's get started.

Ways to Beat Your Fear:

1. Concede it

Many of us are scared of the past, the future, failure, exposure to a greater audience, success, being old, death. Also, millions of people even suffer from phobias from water, elevator, mountain, closed places, and so on. Despite being inevitable, we tend to avoid those scary emotions. You cannot be always in your comfort zone rather ultimately have to tackle those unpleasant situations somehow. So, you have to take the very first step of conceding it instead of getting off.

2. Wield a Pen

To complete your second task successfully, simply take a pen and write down the name of the fears you have. By doing so, you have already taken over your enemy. Now the brain acknowledges it consciously and will remind you to work for it by giving a signal.

3. Feel and Interrogate

Fear is an inevitable trait found in every single human being. Even Barrack Obama, Einstein, or Usain Bolt felt the same as you, me, and any other general individual. But what they did was to take over that fear and snatch the victory. Interrogate yourself about the reasons for your fear and work on them.

4. Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind listens to your suggestion at a specific time. After positioning yourself in a calm and relax phase, focus on all positive things and utter the alter words of what your mind is saying (if it is negative thought). Then imagine yourself in the scared places but different dimensions, as everything is occurring very smoothly and naturally there. Also, remember to enjoy a pleasant and comfortable way in your imagination. For instance, if you fear water, discover yourself in the river or sea enjoying the captivating view, fresh air comfortably. Likewise, you can control your fear by utilizing the power of imagination and the subconscious mind.

5. Be in Present and Do It

Maximum thinks constantly about their past mistakes and panics unnecessarily regarding the future. However, focus on your present without wasting any more time. In the meantime, do the task you fear little by little repeatedly through facing the reality. A bunch of researchers of EPFL showed the human brain function in their conclusion of the research. They also included there how it's (brain) more likely prone to become normal and comfortable after falling in the fearful situation again. Therefore, re-experience the dread to conquer it.

6. Celebrate

To encourage yourself for accepting the challenge of conquering apprehension, try to celebrate every small achievement and task. Thus, you can sense the joyous, rewarding inner happiness enormously.

In short, one can slowly knock out his fear for sure by following all the aforementioned path. Let's surpass every difficulty for the betterment of us.

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