
Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh - Composition

Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh

Unemployment problem is a sheer reality in Bangladesh. It is the single most important factor responsible for the prevailing social evils in our country. It is counted as one of the bondages of the development of the country.

The reasons for unemployment are not far to seek. Bangladesh is a small country. But it has a huge population. The thrust of population has a negative impact on the socio-economic condition of the country. Millions of people in the rural and urban areas of our country are unemployed. To provide job facilities to all the able bodied persons in our society is not possible as our country is industrially backward. There are few mills, factories and small scale industries. Trade and commerce also has not flourished up to the mark. Moreover, with the growth of population, the area of cultivable land is also decreasing. The factories and industries that we have can give employment to a limited number of people. Similar is the case of agriculture. Only a few people can be employed in this sector all through the year.

Our education system is largely responsible for the unemployment problem in our country. It fails to give a student an independent start of life. After saucing degrees and diplomas, if they do not get jobs, they remain unemployed. They do not get the training and skill during their study period to be self-employed. Because our educational institutions have very little scope for vocational training. Besides, educated youths of our country have a false sense of dignity and prestige. They do not believe in the dignity of labour. If they start out their own business or do manual work in the mills and factories, they find it beneath their dignity and stay away from such work. They run after prestigious official white collar jobs the opportunity of which is really very limited. Our education system needs to be changed radically. Opportunities for vocational be created more and more to fight the problem.

The wealth of our country is still in the hands of a few people. They are the owners of the lands and mills and factories. This has given rise to class difference, the poor and the rich. Since the independence, the govt has not worked effectively to give equitable distribution of the national wealth. Growth in the public has not been promising till date to give employment facilities to the people. Rather there is a tendency to privatize the public sectors, firms and industries in the recent years. Apart from this, abnormal growth rate of population is intensifying the problem of unemployment.

The effect of unemployment problem has been all pervasive. It is the root cause of many social evils. Growing social unrest, violence, terrorism, theft, robbery and above all, corruption are the offshoots of unemployment. When an able bodied person falis to earn money and maintain himself and his family, he becomes desperate and vindictive. He loses his sense and value of morality and commits crimes. He resorts to anti-social activities, becomes drug-addicted and brings about all evils in the society. Many educated unemployed youths even commit suicide as they fail to bear with the long standing torments of unemployment.

Providing jobs to all the unemployed people of our country would be a mammoth task. But this problem can be managed if some policies are adopted to boost our economy and new fields of working opportunities are created. The first thing necessary or the solution of this problem is the industrialization in the country. If mills, factories and industries are set up in all parts of the country, a large number of people can get employment there. Emphasis should be given on agro-based and cottage industries. Secondly, vocational training should be introduced in the schools and colleges and it should be made compulsory for the students. Self- employment schemes through vocational training should be introduced at upazilla levels. The media of our country should also play a vital role in changing the attitude of our educated youths. They must develop a sense of dignity of labour. Steps should also be taken to upgrade the public sector and increase our national income. It must be ensured that the distribution of national wealth is done equitably. Above all, attempts should be made to keep the population within a reasonable limit. Finally, it can be said that everyman should develop a sense of dignity of labour and do some work and even his food. I think this is the only way to develop cottage industries in our country. And thus we can solve this problem.

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